long strand of plant material such as split palm leaf is folded creating
two strands joined at one end. Spinning of the fibre using a hand
motion to roll the fibres on the thigh towards the knee creates twist.
In a reverse motion the two strands are plied together. This
two-fold action is continued indefinitely until the length needed
is reached. Continuously strands are added as needed. |
is used to create string which is very strong but coarse. It is much
harder on the knee than the smooth, fine palm frond. It is obtained
from the bark of various trees such as Brachychiton diversifolius,
Brachychiton paradoxum and Ficus virens. |
Pandanus Dillybags, made by the students, are open allowing air to
circulate freely around the contents. Others by the teachers are made
so tightly that the containers are leakproof. |
string bag by Shirley Minyingarla is made with stringybark two ply
string using a netting technique. The weaver begins by winding several
thicknesses of string around her legs to create the right width for
the top. She creates tension with her legs to control the dimensions
of the bag and loops string in a spiral around and around till reaching
the base. Then the bottom is joined with a simple interlocking technique. |
starting a string bag |
putting the finishing touches on a dillybag. |